

Catholic News Service

Actors (from left) Naoimh Morgan, Francesca Hayward and Danny Collins star in “Cats.” Rated: A-II, PG. UNIVERSAL | CNS


The smash-hit Andrew Lloyd Webber stage musical, based on T.S. Eliot’s collection of verse, is given the big-screen treatment. The result is, essentially, a big, brash, over-the-top dance party, directed by Tom Hooper. One fateful evening, an abandoned cat (Francesca Hayward) is adopted by a group of felines who have gathered to see which of their ilk will be chosen by their matriarch (Judi Dench) to ascend to a new plane of existence. A master criminal (Idris Elba) tries to rig the election, while a shabby has-been (Jennifer Hudson) hides in the shadows, lamenting her lost glamour status. Essentially a series of grand musical numbers stitched together by slender plot threads, the choreography is first-rate, but some viewers may find the computer-generated costumes too lifelike and unsettling.

Watch out for: Occasional rude humor, scary images.

Rated: A-II, adults and adolescents; MPAA: PG

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