
Basketball tradition honors student

Ethiana Hacsh

Students cheer during the annual “Orange Out” basketball game commemorating a student who died from leukemia at Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School in Potomac Shores.

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Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School in Potomac Shores is an institution that holds tradition close to its heart. Back in 2008, the year the school was founded, a small group of high school students took charge as student leaders of this small Catholic school. Today, John Paul the Great is a place where more than 600 students roam the halls each day living out its many traditions. Each student is a precious part of this school and uniquely makes their mark.

In 2011, sophomore Sarah Jakielski died from leukemia.

“We all wanted something to remember Sarah by and celebrate her life,” said Clare Kuisell, an alumna and teacher at John Paul the Great. This wish to honor Sarah resulted in a tradition that encompasses the service and community at the school.

For the past 11 years, the “Orange Out” basketball game, usually held in January, brings together students, teachers and alumni to honor Sarah. Each year, the entire gym is packed with supporters who watch the game silently until the 13th point because that is the date Sarah passed away. Anticipation builds up as the 13th point approaches and at the moment of scoring, everyone jumps with joy, cheering for the team and Sarah. This moment is one of unity, where the entire community comes together to honor a student who valiantly fought leukemia.

“The majority of the students and their families come to support (our team) and hearing their encouraging chants while we are on the court ignites a drive for us to play to our potential and win and honor Sarah Jakielski,” said Dillena Carter, captain of the girls varsity basketball team.

Each winter sports season, students prepare for the “Orange Out” game by raising funds for leukemia research, training for basketball and wearing “Orange Out” shirts. Although most current students never met Sarah Jakielski, every student knows her story and celebrates her life. Past students shared a dream of honoring a friend. Current students share in keeping that dream as a long-standing tradition. Whether it be students, teachers, parents, alumni or any other spectator at the “Orange Out” game, every individual there knows that at its core, it is about the celebration of Sarah’s life. Sarah made her mark on this school in a way that helped in cultivating a community that is supportive and close. Her legacy still lives on and will for many more years to come.


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