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St. Paul VI community prays for Fr. Schultz after chaplain suffers stroke

Catholic Herald Staff Report

Fr. Jonathan M. Smith, parochial vicar of Our Lady of Hope in Potomac Falls, celebrates Mass for the St. Paul VI community Oct. 6 to pray for Fr. Stephen J. Schultz, school chaplain, who had a stroke the weekend of Oct. 1. Deacon Ted Devlin assisted at Mass. COURTESY


Father Stephen J. Schultz, chaplain of St. Paul VI Catholic High School in Chantilly, had a stroke the weekend of Oct. 1 and was admitted to intensive care in a coma. Over the next few days, he was unconscious and mostly unresponsive, intermittently using a ventilator to breathe. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge visited him to pray Oct. 3.

The St. Paul VI community attended a Mass celebrated by Father Jonathan M. Smith, parochial vicar of Our Lady of Hope in Potomac Falls, Oct. 6 to pray for Father Schultz’s recovery.  

Oct. 10, he was able to open both his eyes and speak, according to an update posted by his family online.

“Today Fr. Schultz’s attending ER physician smiled for the first time,” wrote John Schultz, a family member, on a website used to update the community on the chaplain’s condition. “His outlook has gone from grave to quite positive in the last few days. Fr. was able to tell the doctor his full title and name. His voice is raspy and weak, partly due to the vent. Father might be leaving the ICU in the next couple of days. This is a huge step.”

The family invites all to continue to pray for his healing.

Find out more

For updates on Father Schultz, go to caringbridge.org/visit/fatherstephenschultz.

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