
Va. Catholic leaders urge opposition to ‘Equality Act’

The Virginia Catholic Conference issued an action alert March 18
calling on Catholics to urge their U.S. Senators to oppose the Equality Act
(H.R. 5), legislation that the VCC said would “discriminate against people of
faith, punish faith-based organizations and even risk mandating taxpayers to
fund abortions.”

The controversial measure passed the U.S. House of
Representatives Feb. 25. 

Speaking ahead of that vote on his “Walk Humbly Podcast,” Bishop
Michael F. Burbidge echoed those concerns.

“We believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect and
dignity,” Bishop Burbidge said. “We recognize every single person as a child of

Yet H.R. 5 “does the opposite in many ways,” he noted. “Clearly,
it needs to be opposed.”

Find out more

Go to /vacatholic.org/action-center/?vvsrc=%2fCampaigns%2f82648%2fRespond%3fvvcgUT%3d5KN2DY6U9jR3CbI1dRCk-Q%26vvcgRD%3dBzGGWqGUPEfrrfM%26vvsbr%3dJMCtVFa5bKj8E6FioSWq3w.

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