
‘Mea Nico’

Ashleigh Kassock | For the Catholic Herald

The cover of Donna Lee Davis’s new book “Mea Nico” features three bags of gold depicting the saint’s legendary generosity.


Donna Lee Davis’ new novel, “Mea Nico,” dives into the life and legends of St. Nicholas of Myra. While most tales of this popular saint are targeted toward children, Davis’ retelling is intended for adults. It is clear in the first page that this story will have less tinsel and sleigh rides and more prisons and sacrifice. At the same time, it is not lacking in wonder.

Davis is a parishioner of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church in Fredericksburg. After retiring from the federal government, she now devotes her time to her church and writing. Her book on St. Genesius of Rome was written in 2021.

“Mea Nico” is predominantly a work of fiction, as is evident in the colorful cast of relatable characters who accompany St. Nicholas, but the events they experience are rooted in historical records of the time. This includes the persecution of Christians by Rome and St. Nicholas’ participation in the Council of Nicaea to name a few.

Prepare to have your perspective changed about, “Old St. Nick” in this retelling of his faith journey. Walk with him on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, grieve with him during incredible loss and prepare to be amazed at the wonders God performed through his humble servant. After reading this story, it might be difficult to accept commercialized versions of Santa the same way again. It’s an enjoyable novel for the Advent and Christmas season.

“Mea Nico” is available on Amazon and signed copies are available at Rex Rappahannock bookstore in Fredericksburg.

Kassock is a freelance writer from Fredericksburg.

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