
Parish launches jubilee evangelization campaign

Special to the Catholic Herald


Final 25 for 2025 Flyer FRONT web

Our Lady of Hope Church in Potomac Falls aspires to celebrate the silver anniversary of its parish next year with 25 new Catholic parishioners.

Father Anthony J. Killian, pastor, announced the evangelization campaign in a message to parishioners that also celebrated adults recently welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.

“In a renewed spirit of evangelization, and as a way of celebrating our parish Silver Jubilee in 2025, I am asking every parishioner to participate in the 25 for 2025 Challenge,” he wrote. “It is my hope that 25 unbaptized adults will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church at next year’s Easter Vigil.”

Father Killian urged parishioners to help identify at least 25 people who would begin RCIA this fall and consider being their sponsors.

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